3 de agosto de 2021

Henry & Louis Meets Blue & Red - Time Will Tell 2001

tony tuff - answer
prince green - serpent
preddi - blessed
ghadian - one unity
steve harper - jah jah never fail i
pacey - boss man
ghadian - question
willie williams - children
ben dice - words of the wise
johnny clarke - love & understanding
steve harper - rise up
preddi - the lord's prayer
pacey - natural mystic
steve harper - creation
pacey - a little way different
daddy ants - murderation
kerosene oil - do anything
willie williams - plastic world
tippa irie - chant down babylon


Design – Jack Lundie
Design [Additional] – T. Harrison
Executive-Producer – John "Pops" Dawling*
Mastered By – Alter Echo, Ryan Foster
Post Production [Pre-Production] – R. Smith* (faixas: 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 12, 15, 16, 17)
Post Production [Pre-Production], Recorded By [Instrumental Recording] – Blue & Red (faixas: 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 12, 15, 16, 17), Henry & Louis (faixas: 1, 2, 8, 9, 10, 11, 13, 14, 18, 19)
Producer – A. Scholes*
Gravado Em – 2 Kings Studio, Bristol UK
Gravado Em – Number 90, Bristol UK
Mixado em – Oracabessa Studios
Masterizado em – Freq Mastering
Selo:BSI Records 


Henry & Louis - Rudiments 1995

Henry & Louis - Youth Dub
Henry & Louis - Dub Rebellion
Henry & Louis - Need Some Dub
Henry & Louis - Instilled Dub
Henry & Louis - Tenth Dub
Henry & Louis - Been Here Dub
Henry & Louis - Dub Nation
Henry & Louis - Re-Dub
Henry & Louis - Dublight
Henry & Louis - War & Dub
Henry & Louis - Tower Of Dub
Henry & Louis - Raindubs


Selo:More Rockers 


Henry & Louis - Increments 2007

prince green - love like
henry and louis - love dub
henry and louis - love dub
izyah davis - israel
henry and louis - israel dub
donette forte - too strong
henry and louis - strong dub
andy scholes - lions den
henry and louis - lions dub
prince green - too late
henry and louis - late dub
izyah davis - life without jah
henry and louis - without jah dub
prince green - revelation time
henry and louis - revelation dub
2kings hi power - rebel dub


Selo:2Kings Records 


Henry & Louis - Deliverance 1995

Henry & Louis - Deliverance
Henry & Louis - Dubliverance
Henry & Louis - If I Could Only
Henry & Louis - If I Could Only (Drum & Bass)
Henry & Louis - Double Culture


Lacquer Cut By – JONZ*
Photography By, Design – Linda Taylor*
Written-By – A. Scholes*, J. Lundie*, Peter D.* (faixas: A1, A2), R. Chant* (faixas: A1), V. Lynch* (faixas: B1, B2)
Distribuído por – Vital (2)
Gravadora – Vision Factory
Gravado Em – 2 King Studio
Gravado Em – Vision Factory Studios
Corte de acetato realizado em – Loud Mastering
Selo:Cup Of Tea Records