9 de agosto de 2021

Dubkasm - Transform I 2009

From The Foundation
City Walls
More Jah Songs
Strictly Ital
Babylon Ambush
There's A Love
Respek I-Spek
Touch I Heart
Rua João Vieira 106
Sangue Brasileiro
Nyah Keith
Zulu Dawn
Hail Jah
Foundational Dub


Dubkasm - Transform I Remixed 2010

from the foundation [pinch remix]
city walls [gemmy remix]
more jah songs [rsd remix]
moses [forsaken remix]
strictly ital [peverelist remix]
respect i-spek touch i heart [gatekeeper & appleblim remix]
nyah keith [guido remix]
transformai [hyetal remix]
hail jah [jakes remix]
foundational dub [headhunter remix]


Written-by [Original Tracks] – B. Glass*
Selo:Sufferah's Choice Recordings


Dubkasm - Transformed in Dub 2010

Dub Void
Seven Times Seven
Play I Some Dub feat. Tena Stelin
Beto's Yard feat. Ras Addis
There's A Dub feat. Christine Miller
135 Orange Street
Woodsman Dub
Last Tune
Memories Of Xylon feat. Lidj Xylon
Hail Jah In Dub
Transform I&I feat - Ras Bernardo
This Man Was Born There feat. Dub Judah


Selo:Sufferah's Choice Recordings


Dublicator - Chord Center EP 2008

dublicator - anonym vectors
dublicator - holoplankton
dublicator - perpendicular netw
dublicator - liquid substance
dublicator - runaway ions
dublicator - metabolic map
dublicator - organism filter
dublicator - chordfield

