15 de agosto de 2024

Peter Tosh - Intelligent Diplomat 19XX

24-01 Together Again
24-02 Music Lesson
24-03 Dutch Pot
24-04 Nice Time
24-05 I'm Still Wailing
24-06 How Many Times
24-07 Coolie Plum Tree
24-08 Hurts To Be Alone
24-09 Rescue Me
24-10 Hammer
Come Together (7'' Single)
In My Song (7'' Single)
Jah Man In A Jam Down (1986 Studio Demo)
Must Get A Beating (2005 Single Remix)
Mystery Babylon (1986 Studio Demo)
No Nuclear War (7'' Single)
Stand Up Jamrock (2005 Single Remix)


Peter Tosh ‎


Um comentário:

  1. This is not an orignal cd. Reggae record label launched by Peter Tosh in 1973 .
    Full name of this Jamaican label is "Intel-Diplo H.I.M." standing for "Intelligent Diplomat For His Imperial Majesty" .
